How to Write Brittany

Okay, now that she's out in the field here are some updates for writing:

Physical Address

110 Edgewater Circle

San Benito, TX

Her email address has changed to

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pig Stomach Soup Anyone?

hello people!
this was a hot week. once again. but all in all i still prefer it tothe cold. it's not too first story is another about a crazy thing i had to eat. pigstomach. pig stomach soup, to be exact. pictures to come. sis. calland i went to a carne asada that this investigator family of ours werethrowing. the woman had just had twins a few months ago and they hadhealth problems becuase the were premature. so this was kind of their"hooray our babies are going to be normal" fiesta? anyway, we had justcome from a dinner appointment but wanted to come and support. so weget there and one of the women offered us food. i politely said that ihad just eaten and just would enjoy the party. but ten minutes latershe handed me a plastic cup full of "frijoles." which happened to be alot more than just frijoles. the mystery meat of choice was pigstomach. there were huge chunks of it and you could see every singlelayer of the pig's body. like the muscle, the dents from veins, andbig chunks of fat. it was horrible. i ate a nibble of the meat, andthen just decided to dodge all the meat and go for the beans. luckilythere were some dogs around and dumping under the table wassuccessful.

my other story is not funny, but sad. there is a woman in thespanish branch here named sister elizondo. she is one of my favoritehuman beings alive, actually. she's about 28 and she is has been amember of the church for two years. she is the young women'spresident. she has two sweet little girls that are 4 and 2 years old.and an awesome awesome husband. i met her on my first day here and weclicked instantly. she is seriously the coolest person i've known.anyway, she's illegal, as most people here are. so they were alwayssuper careful to drive the speed limit and be safe and things. hehusband has a visa and is always crossing the border for work. well,immigration took him in this week and i guess they had caught him fromsome old criminal charge from when he didn't have his visa. so theyhave him in jail. it could be 15 days to three months until they findout what happens. the whole family runs the risk of being deportednow. plus sister elizondo doesn't work (since she's illegal.) so she'salone with the two girls who don't know where their dad is, with noincome, and no idea what is going to happen. i feel so bad for them.she is handling the situation very well. she's trying to stay positiveand knows there is just something she's supposed to learn from it andthat if she keeps doing what she knows is right, everything will workout. no matter what happens. she's getting a lawyer, and hopefullythey can work everything out. pretty sure they can't even hold him forsomething from the past even though now he has papers. but they aredoing it. so it's been a pretty loaded past couple of days. it getsfrustrating not being able to help people with that. and seeing goodpeople be treated like criminals for wanting live in our country.sigh. things will work out...anyway. that's about it for me. i hope this email finds everyonedoing well. until next


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